Listen to “MIH049: When Should I Rebrand?” on Spreaker.

First off, let me start by saying that I have experienced a myriad of phases of “the company rebrand” over the years.  In other words, I’ve reinvented myself and my offerings over and over and over again. How did I know when it was time to rebrand? Do you ever ask yourself: “When should I rebrand?”

As a solopreneur and mompreneur, my reasoning for rebranding has mostly hinged on my own needs to re-express myself, my goals, and the mission for my blog and business.

There were also moments that I just felt plain bored of the same old thing and wanted to shake things up a bit. Said simply, I like to redesign my business every so often, giving it a fresh coat of paint and brand new life from the inside out. I can’t honestly say that I’ve always had legitimately solid reasons to rebrand.  It’s just what I said above: it’s all personal preference for me. How about you? Should you rebrand your company?  There are a few reasons you might find rebranding a beneficial thing for you. Let’s dig into some reasons why you might want to rebrand…or not.

When Should I Rebrand?

You should rebrand if your business has changed names.

Name changes obviously require a rebrand with a logo change being one of the first things to get shifted. With a logo redesign comes the opportunity to change your business colors and other graphic elements and marks that will make a difference for the new representation of your company. I recently changed my logo from: to: I wanted to give my logo an updated look: a fresh coat of digital paint, an updated heel, and different typography to express my sentiments for Mompreneurs in Heels even better. In doing so, I also ended up freshening up my website and changing out my social media as well. I created a brand board with colors that express the mood I want to convey through Mompreneurs in Heels, which was really exciting. Can you tell I love design? So…back to reasons you should rebrand…

When is time to rebrand your business?

Your vision has changed.

To answer the question, “When should I rebrand?”: in the case that your brand no longer reflects your vision, it’s time to rebrand.

Maybe the name doesn’t match your new geographical region. Perhaps you’ve changed gears and want to do something completely different than what you started doing. Maybe your passion for designing logos has waned and you want to now begin a new journey of life coaching.

It’s okay to switch gears, to rediscover your interests, and to rebrand your business entirely. Check out Should I Change My Blog Topic? (episode 034)

You’re not attracting the right clients.

You might find that you’re attracting a certain type of client…but not your type. You know who your ideal customer is and hopefully, you have created a customer avatar and have begun to pursue this type of clientele.

If the wrong people are showing up at your virtual doorstep you’ll need to ask yourself if perhaps you’re presenting your company in a bad light. What does your ideal customer see when they land on your website? Do they feel attracted to what you offer right away or do they have questions about your credibility because your brand doesn’t reflect what you are trying to project?

So, again, if the question: “When should I rebrand?” is on your radar, then ask yourself these questions to see if it’s time to rebrand, my friend!

That’s all for today’s episode. If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to sub! I really hope to hear from you.